San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer

San Antonio Truck Accident Attorney

Most drivers in the San Antonio area drive near large commercial trucks regularly without issue. However, these vehicles are inherently dangerous due to their size and lack of maneuverability, and commercial truck accidents can be far more damaging than standard passenger vehicle accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in such an incident, it is vital to consult a San Antonio truck accident lawyer as quickly as possible to discuss your recovery options.

Legal Counsel for San Antonio, TX, Truck Accident Claims

KLJ Law, PLLC, can provide the compassionate and responsive legal counsel you will need in the aftermath of a truck accident someone else caused. Our firm has successfully represented many such claims for our clients throughout the San Antonio area. Truck accident cases are often more challenging to resolve than standard car accident claims due to issues of shared liability among multiple parties and the severity of the damages these accidents often cause.

When you choose our firm to represent your case, you can expect close attention to detail and careful handling of all of your proceedings. Our goal is to help you navigate your case with confidence and secure the maximum amount of compensation possible for your damages under Texas law. You can rely on our team for ongoing support through the insurance claim filing process and in building a personal injury suit if necessary to ensure the fullest possible recovery.

Recovering From a Truck Accident in San Antonio

Before you can recover any compensation for the damages you suffered in a recent truck accident, you will need to prove exactly how the accident happened and show the full extent of the resulting damages. Truck accidents happen in the same ways that other accidents occur, such as from distracted driving, speeding, and moving violations. They can also happen because of illegal misconduct and failure to follow trucking industry regulations.

After proving fault for your truck accident, filing an auto insurance claim against the at-fault driver is typically your first option for recovering your damages. Trucking companies and their drivers often have more expansive insurance coverage than the average individual driver, but this does not guarantee that an insurance claim alone will fully compensate you for your losses. Your legal team can help resolve your insurance claim and determine the next steps to take in this situation.

If you must file a personal injury suit against an at-fault driver, your claim could enable you to recover compensation for your economic damages, such as property losses, medical bills, and lost income if you are unable to work. You also have the right to claim pain and suffering compensation from the defendant. Bear in mind, however, that if you are found partially at fault for the accident, your recovery will be diminished under the modified comparative fault rule.

KLJ Law, PLLC, can work closely with you through every step of your recovery process, from gathering the evidence needed to prove fault to helping you file your auto insurance claim and building a personal injury suit if necessary. Our goal in all motor vehicle accident claims we accept in San Antonio is to recover as much compensation as possible for our client in the shortest timeframe possible.


Q: What Is a Truck Accident Claim Worth in San Antonio?

A: The potential value of a truck accident claim in San Antonio will depend on the extent and severity of the damages the accident caused. If you can prove another party is directly responsible for causing the accident, you can hold them accountable for all your economic damages as well as compensation for your pain and suffering. A San Antonio truck accident lawyer is the ideal resource to consult for an estimate of your claim’s total potential value.

Q: Is a Trucking Company Liable for the Actions of Their Driver?

A: A trucking company could be liable for the actions of its driver under the legal concept of vicarious liability. If the trucking company never performed an appropriate background check on the driver, failed to enforce applicable industry safety regulations, or was otherwise negligent in the handling of their employee, it could face shared liability for an accident their driver caused.

Q: How Do You Prove Fault for a Truck Accident in San Antonio?

A: You can prove fault for a truck accident in San Antonio by leveraging evidence and witness testimony. Statements from witnesses who saw the accident happen will be crucial to your case, and your San Antonio truck accident lawyer can help gather various forms of physical evidence from the scene of the accident along with digital evidence like cell phone records, traffic camera footage, and vehicle computer data.

Q: Why Should I Hire a San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer?

A: You should hire a San Antonio truck accident lawyer because you are more likely to succeed with your case and more likely to maximize your total compensation with their help. When it comes to the insurance claim filing process, your attorney can ensure your claim is handled in good faith and that you receive a fair settlement offer. If you must file a personal injury suit, your attorney will know how to maximize your total compensation.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a San Antonio truck accident lawyer is likely to be a percentage of your total case award. Most of the attorneys representing vehicle accident claims and other personal injury claims in Texas do so on a contingency fee basis, meaning the attorney takes a percentage of whatever compensation they are able to secure for their client. However, they take this fee only if they win the case. This removes any economic risk to the client when seeking legal counsel.

The team at KLJ Law, PLLC, has the resources, experience, and skills necessary to guide you through a complex commercial truck accident claim with confidence. We know the various challenges you could face in your recovery efforts and how to help you overcome them. Contact our team today to schedule your initial case review with an experienced San Antonio truck accident lawyer you trust.

Call 512-616-1866 or fill out our online contact form today.

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